24 Nov 2011

All in the name of Thanksgiving

Oh how I do like to jump on any available national holiday and with it being Thanksgiving - and despite being British - as far as I'm concerned today is no exception and therefore fair game for consuming excessive amounts of food and drink. This will be my first thanksgiving dinner with my lovely Tokyo-based American friends so I fancied baking something and have been busy drooling over researching many diet busting recipes and wouldn't mind getting my greedy little hands on some whoopie pie right now...

I wandered past Rag and Bone on Cat Street the other day which reminded me to check out their blog which is where I found this tasty treat. Would bet their entire collection though that Candice doesn't eat any of this crap.

Biatch. Anyway despite good intentions (and not having a frickin oven - why do Japanese places not have ovens goddamnit?) I ended up copping out and buying a box full of donoughts (well they're American aren't they?). After the chow down it's definitely back to yoga tomorrow.

Happy Thanksgiving Y'all!